Navigate to a Product

Navigate to a Product

There are two places in the application to which you can navigate in order to create, edit or delete a product.

Products Tab

First, by clicking on the "Products" tab in the top navigation, you have the ability to search for an existing product or create a new product by clicking "Create New Product" in the left navigation bar or below the search section.
User-added image

In order to narrow the search results down, enter information or select a value from one or more of the options prior to clicking the "Search" button:
  1. Buyer Company: Select from a list of all buyer companies to which the administrative user has access.
  2. Search for: This box searches the product ID, name and description fields (unless one of the checkboxes is unselected).
  3. Search by: Additional filters for the search.
  4. If you know the exact product ID or Name, you may also use quotation marks to go directly to that product
Product Catalog Page
The second location from which you can create, edit or delete a product is the Product Catalog page.  To access the Product Catalog page, navigate to the Buyers tab in the top navigation, select a buyer company, and click on "Product Catalog" from the left navigation bar.  

User-added image

You will find links to "Search Products" and create a "New Product" on the left navigation bar.

Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Product Type Overview
Edit a Product
Delete a Product

Labels: Navigation, Product, Find a Product, Product Search, Search