Sitecore XP on Microsoft Azure – module compatibility


The following table shows the compatibility of Sitecore XP components and modules with the Microsoft Azure PaaS services, such as Azure App Services, Azure Search, Azure SQL, Application Insights, and Azure Redis Cache.
Sitecore XP
Component or module name 8.2 [1] 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.0 10.1
Experience Platform (XP)
Experience Database (xDB)
Experience Editor
Campaign Creator
Content Testing
Experience Analytics
Device Detection
Path Analyzer
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) - - - - - -
Sitecore Social Connected -[14]
- - - - -
List Manager
Active Directory - [9] [11] - - - - - -
Print Experience Manager (PXM) - - - - - - -
Dynamics CRM Campaign Integration - [8] - - - - - -
Email Experience Manager (EXM) [10]
SharePoint Connect - - - - - - -
Sitecore Media Framework [7] - - - - - -
Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) [6] -[15] - - - -
Sitecore Forms - -
Sitecore Experience Commerce -
Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) [3]
Data Exchange Framework [4]
Dynamics CRM Connect [2] - - - - - -
Sitecore Connect for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales - [2]
Sitecore Provider for
Data Exchange Framework
Dynamics CRM Provider
for Data Exchange Framework
Sitecore Publishing Service [5]
Salesforce Provider
for Data Exchange Framework

"-" – not supported; "✓" – supported.
