Telemetry metrics for Sitecore XP 9.1 Update-1 and later

Telemetry Metrics

Sitecore can collect telemetry metrics associated with certain Sitecore environments to help understand how our customers use the product and develop websites using product features. The Sitecore environments where metrics can be collected include the following products:

For additional information, refer to the Telemetry Metrics FAQ article.

For All Sitecore XP Deployments

Metrics include:

For Sitecore Experience Manager 9.1 Update-1 And 9.2.0

ID Type Description
XM.Platform.Core.Archives.RecycleBin.Active FLAG Determines whether recycle bin has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Archives.RecycleBin.Opened SUM Number of times recycle bin has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Carousel.Active FLAG Determines whether carousel has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Carousel.Opened SUM Number of times carousel has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Consumption.DatabaseItems MAX Maximum number of database items
XM.Platform.Core.Consumption.Languages MAX Maximum number of languages
XM.Platform.Core.ContentEditor.Active FLAG Determines whether Content Editor has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.ContentEditor.Opened SUM Number of times Content Editor has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.ControlPanel.Active FLAG Determines whether control panel has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.ControlPanel.Opened SUM Number of times control panel has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Databases.CleanUp.Active FLAG Determines whether database cleanup has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Databases.CleanUp.Opened SUM Number of times database cleanup has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Databases.DatabaseUsage.Active FLAG Determines whether database usage has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Databases.DatabaseUsage.Opened SUM Number of times database usage has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Debugger.Active FLAG Determines whether debugger has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Debugger.Opened SUM Number of times debugger has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileBrowser.Active FLAG Determines whether File browser dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileBrowser.Opened SUM Number of times File browser dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileExplorer.Active FLAG Determines whether File explorer form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileExplorer.Opened SUM Number of times File explorer form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileLister.Active FLAG Determines whether File lister dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileLister.Opened SUM Number of times File lister dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileSaver.Active FLAG Determines whether File saver dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Files.FileSaver.Opened SUM Number of times File saver dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Advanced.Active FLAG Determines whether Advanced flash upload dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Advanced.Opened SUM Number of times Advanced flash upload dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Attach.Active FLAG Determines whether Attach flash dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Attach.Opened SUM Number of times Attach flash dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Simple.Active FLAG Determines whether Simple flash upload dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.FlashUpload.Simple.Opened SUM Number of times Simple flash upload dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Floatie.Active FLAG Determines whether floatie form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Floatie.Opened SUM Number of times floatie form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.AddLanguage.Active FLAG Determines whether add language wizard form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.AddLanguage.Opened SUM Number of times add language wizard form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.DeleteLanguage.Active FLAG Determines whether delete language wizard form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.DeleteLanguage.Opened SUM Number of times delete language wizard form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.ExportLanguage.Active FLAG Determines whether export language wizard form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.ExportLanguage.Opened SUM Number of times export language wizard form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.ImportLanguage.Active FLAG Determines whether import language wizard form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.ImportLanguage.Opened SUM Number of times import language wizard form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.SelectLanguage.Active FLAG Determines whether select language dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.SelectLanguage.Opened SUM Number of times select language dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.UntranslatedFields.Active FLAG Determines whether untranslated fields wizard form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.UntranslatedFields.Opened SUM Number of times untranslated fields wizard form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.WorldLingo.Active FLAG Determines whether world lingo dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Globalization.WorldLingo.Opened SUM Number of times world lingo dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Install.Active FLAG Determines whether install wizard has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Install.Opened SUM Number of times install wizard has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.ItemBrowser.Active FLAG Determines whether item browser form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.ItemBrowser.Opened SUM Number of times item browser form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Links.BreakingLinks.Active FLAG Determines whether breaking links dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Links.BreakingLinks.Opened SUM Number of times breaking links dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Links.EditLinks.Active FLAG Determines whether edit broken links dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Links.EditLinks.Opened SUM Number of times edit broken links dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Links.FixLinks.Active FLAG Determines whether fix broken links dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Links.FixLinks.Opened SUM Number of times fix broken links dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Links.UpdateLinks.Active FLAG Determines whether update broken links dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Links.UpdateLinks.Opened SUM Number of times update broken links dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Masters.AddFromMaster.Active FLAG Determines whether add from master form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Masters.AddFromMaster.Opened SUM Number of times add from master form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Masters.MasterLister.Active FLAG Determines whether masters lister form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Masters.MasterLister.Opened SUM Number of times masters lister form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.FileItemViewer.Active FLAG Determines whether file item viewer has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.FileItemViewer.Opened SUM Number of times file item viewer has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.ImageItemViewer.Active FLAG Determines whether image item viewer has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.ImageItemViewer.Opened SUM Number of times image item viewer has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.ImageProperties.Active FLAG Determines whether image properties modal has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.ImageProperties.Opened SUM Number of times image properties modal has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.Imager.Active FLAG Determines whether imager has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.Imager.Opened SUM Number of times imager has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaBrowser.Active FLAG Determines whether media browser has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaBrowser.Opened SUM Number of times media browser has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaFolder.Active FLAG Determines whether media folder has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaFolder.Opened SUM Number of times media folder has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaPlayer.Active FLAG Determines whether media player has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaPlayer.Opened SUM Number of times media player has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaShop.Active FLAG Determines whether media shop has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.MediaShop.Opened SUM Number of times media shop has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.UploadManager.Active FLAG Determines whether upload manager has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.UploadManager.Opened SUM Number of times upload manager has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Media.UploadMedia.Active FLAG Determines whether upload media wizard has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Media.UploadMedia.Opened SUM Number of times upload media wizard has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.PageScreenshots.Active FLAG Determines whether page screenshots has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.PageScreenshots.Opened SUM Number of times page screenshots has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Publishing.Classic.Active FLAG Determines whether publishing classic has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Publishing.Service.Active FLAG Determines whether publishing service has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Query.Classic.Queries SUM Number of times classic query has been executed
XM.Platform.Core.Query.Fast.Queries SUM Number of times fast query has been executed
XM.Platform.Core.Reports.LogViewer.Active FLAG Determines whether log viewer has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Reports.LogViewer.Opened SUM Number of times log viewer has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Rules.RulesDetails.Active FLAG Determines whether old rules detail form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Rules.RulesDetails.Opened SUM Number of times old rules detail form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Rules.RulesEditor.Active FLAG Determines whether old rules editor form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Rules.RulesEditor.Opened SUM Number of times old rules editor form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Search.Instant.Active FLAG Determines whether search instant form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Search.Instant.Opened SUM Number of times search instant has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Search.SearchForm.Active FLAG Determines whether search form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Search.SearchForm.Opened SUM Number of times search form was opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.AccessViewer.Active FLAG Determines whether access viewer has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.AccessViewer.Opened SUM Number of times access viewer has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.CreateNewUser.Active FLAG Determines whether create new user form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.CreateNewUser.Opened SUM Number of times create new user form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.DomainManager.Active FLAG Determines whether domain manager form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.DomainManager.Opened SUM Number of times domain manager form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.EditManagedDomains.Active FLAG Determines whether edit domains form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.EditManagedDomains.Opened SUM Number of times edit domains form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.EditUser.Active FLAG Determines whether edit user has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.EditUser.Opened SUM Number of times edit user has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.ItemSecurityEditor.Active FLAG Determines whether item security editor form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.ItemSecurityEditor.Opened SUM Number of times item security editor form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.RoleManager.Active FLAG Determines whether role manager form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.RoleManager.Opened SUM Number of times role manager form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SecurityDetails.Active FLAG Determines whether security details form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SecurityDetails.Opened SUM Number of times security details form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SecurityEditor.Active FLAG Determines whether security editor form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SecurityEditor.Opened SUM Number of times security editor form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SelectAccount.Active FLAG Determines whether select account dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SelectAccount.Opened SUM Number of times select account dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SelectRoles.Active FLAG Determines whether select roles dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SelectRoles.Opened SUM Number of times select roles dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SetOwner.Active FLAG Determines whether set owner dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SetOwner.Opened SUM Number of times set owner dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SetPassword.Active FLAG Determines whether set password form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.SetPassword.Opened SUM Number of times set password form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserManager.Active FLAG Determines whether user manager form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserManager.Opened SUM Number of times user manager form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserRoleList.Active FLAG Determines whether user role list dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserRoleList.Opened SUM Number of times user role list dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserRoleSelector.Active FLAG Determines whether user role selector dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Security.UserRoleSelector.Opened SUM Number of times user role selector dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Services.RSS.Active FLAG Determines whether RSS service has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.TaskDatabase.TasksCreated SUM Number of times task has been created
XM.Platform.Core.TaskDatabase.TasksExecuted SUM Number of times task has been executed
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.AddFromTemplate.Active FLAG Determines whether add from template dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.AddFromTemplate.Opened SUM Number of times add from template dialog was opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.ChangeTemplate.Active FLAG Determines whether change template dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.ChangeTemplate.Opened SUM Number of times change template dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.CreateTemplate.Active FLAG Determines whether create template form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.CreateTemplate.Opened SUM Number of times create template form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.SetBaseTemplates.Active FLAG Determines whether set base template dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.SetBaseTemplates.Opened SUM Number of times set base template dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateBuilder.Active FLAG Determines whether template builder form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateBuilder.Opened SUM Number of times template builder form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateInheritance.Active FLAG Determines whether tepmlate inheritance form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateInheritance.Opened SUM Number of times tepmlate inheritance form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateLister.Active FLAG Determines whether template lister dialog has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateLister.Opened SUM Number of times template lister dialog has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateManager.Active FLAG Determines whether template manager form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Templates.TemplateManager.Opened SUM Number of times template manager form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.BrokenLinks.Active FLAG Determines whether broken links form has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.BrokenLinks.Opened SUM Number of times broken links form has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.KeyboardMap.Active FLAG Determines whether keyboard map has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.KeyboardMap.Opened SUM Number of times keyboard map has been opened
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.Run.Active FLAG Determines whether has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Tools.Run.Opened SUM Number of times been has opened
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Screenshots.Active FLAG Determines whether screenshots button has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.RevertDatabaseClicks SUM Number of times revert database button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.RevertItemClicks SUM Number of times revert item button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.RevertTreeClicks SUM Number of times revert tree button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.SerializeItemClicks SUM Number of times serialize item button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.SerializeTreeClicks SUM Number of times serialize tree button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.UpdateDatabaseClicks SUM Number of times update database button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.UpdateItemClicks SUM Number of times update item button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.ContentEditor.Serialization.UpdateTreeClicks SUM Number of times update tree button has been clicked
XM.Platform.Core.UI.Packager.PackagesInstalled SUM Number of times a package has been installed
XM.Platform.Core.Workbox.Active FLAG Determines whether workbox has been activated
XM.Platform.Core.Workbox.Opened SUM Number of times workbox has been opened
XM.Platform.SSC.Dictionary.Requests SUM Number of requests to Dictionary service
XM.Platform.SSC.GraphQL.Requests SUM Number of requests to GraphQL service
XM.Platform.SSC.Layout.Requests SUM Number of requests to Layout service
XM.Platform.SXA.DataModeling.Request SUM Number of times data modeling endpoint has been executed
XM.Platform.SXA.PageRequest SUM Number of times a page has been requested
XM.Platform.XO.Active FLAG Flags whether XO component has been activated
XM.Platform.XO.Components.TestStarted SUM Number of times a component test has started
XM.Platform.XO.P13n.Suggestions.Applied SUM Number of times a user has applied suggested personalizations
XM.Platform.XO.P13n.Suggestions.Generated SUM Number of times a personalization suggestion has been generated
XM.Platform.XO.P13n.TestStarted SUM Number of times a personalization test has started
XM.Platform.XO.Pages.TestStarted SUM Number of times a page test has started

For Sitecore Experience Platform 9.1 Update-1

ID Type Description
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Later SUM Number of campaigns scheduled for later
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Later.Recipients SUM Number of recipients in campaigns that are scheduled for later
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Now SUM Number of campaigns, scheduled for now
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Now.Recipients SUM Number of recipients in campaigns that are scheduled for now
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Recurring SUM Number of campaigns, scheduled for recurring delivery
XP.EXM.CampaignsScheduled.Recurring.Recipients SUM Number of recipients in campaigns that are scheduled for recurring delivery
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.ActivityInvocation SUM Number of times an activity has been invoked
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.ContactPurgeRegistered SUM Number of times a user has removed a contact from an automation campaign
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.EnrollInPlanDirect SUM Number of times a developer has added a single contact to an automation campaign
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.EnrollmentCreate SUM Number of times a new enrollment has been created in the database
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.EnrollmentExit SUM Number of times a contact has exited an automation campaign
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.EnrollmentTransition SUM Number of times a contact has transitioned from one enrollment to another
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.LiveEventRegistered SUM Number of times a live event has been triggered
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.PlanSeedRegistered SUM Number of times a user has added contacts to an automation campaign using the bulk enrollment feature
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.WorkItemStalled SUM Number of times a work item has stalled
XP.Platform.XConnect.Collection.PostContact SUM Number of posted contacts to Collection
XP.Platform.XConnect.Collection.PostInteraction SUM Number of posted interactions to Collection
XP.Platform.XConnect.CursorOperation SUM Number of operations with a cursor, such as creating, resuming, or splitting a cursor
XP.Platform.XConnect.GetOperation SUM Number of GET operations, such as getting a contact by an identifier
XP.Platform.XConnect.Search.Request SUM Number of search operations

For Sitecore Experience Platform 9.2 Initial Release

For Sitecore Experience Platform 9.2 Initial Release, all of the previous items, plus the following:

ID Type Description
XP.Platform.Cortex.ML.EvaluateCalls SUM Number of times evaluate method has been called
XP.Platform.Cortex.ML.TrainCalls SUM Number of times train method has been called
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.DeferredTask.ExecutionTime MAX Time taken by the execution of a deferred task
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.DeferredTask.NoOfExecutions SUM Number of executions of a deferred task
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.DistributedTask.ExecutionTime MAX Time taken by the execution of a distributed task
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.DistributedTask.ItemsProcessed MAX Items processed by cortex distributed tasks
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.DistributedTask.NoOfExecutions SUM Number of executions of a distributed task
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.OutofBoxWorkerUsage.Merge SUM Number of times a Merge worker was executed
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.OutofBoxWorkerUsage.Projection SUM Number of times a Projection worker has been executed
XP.Platform.Cortex.Processing.OutofBoxWorkerUsage.Train SUM Usage of Train worker was executed
XP.Platform.RD.Client.EnsureDefinitionTypeCacheHits SUM Number of EnsureDefinitionType Cache Hits
XP.Platform.RD.Client.GetDefinitionCacheHits SUM Number of GetDefinition Cache Hits
XP.Platform.RD.DeleteDefinitionCalls SUM Number of DeleteDefinition Calls
XP.Platform.RD.EnsureDefinitionTypeCalls SUM Number of EnsureDefinitionType Calls
XP.Platform.RD.GetDefinitionCalls SUM Number of GetDefinitionCalls Calls
XP.Platform.RD.SaveDefinitionCalls SUM Number of SaveDefinition Calls
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.ContactsLoaded SUM Number of Contacts Loaded by tracker
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.IdentifyAs.Known SUM Number of times contact has been identified as Known
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.IdentifyAs.Merge SUM Number of times merge has been executed
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.IdentifyAs.New SUM Number of times contact has been identified as new
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.SessionsSaved SUM Number of Sessions saved by tracker
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.SubmitQueue.ContactSaved SUM Number of times contact has been saved from SubmitQueue
XP.Platform.Tracker.Web.SubmitQueue.InteractionSaved SUM Number of times Interaction has been saved from SubmitQueue
XP.UI.PathAnalyzer.Map.Queried SUM Number of times Path Analyzer map has been queried, any map.
XP.UI.XAnalytics.Dimension.Queried SUM Number of times Experience Analytics dimension has been queried, any dimension.
XP.UI.XProfile.Search.Requested SUM Number of times Experience Profile search has been requested.

For Sitecore Experience Platform 9.3 Initial Release

For Sitecore Experience Platform 9.3 Initial Release, all of the previous items, plus the following:
ID Type Description
XP.UI.FXM.EE.Visit SUM Number of visits to Federated Experience Manager Experience Editor page
XP.UI.FXM.Error SUM Number of critical errors happening in Federated Experience Manager page
XP.UI.FXM.External.Site.Visit SUM Number of visits to external site Federated Experience Manager page by end of month
XP.UI.FXM.Visit SUM Number of visits to Federated Experience Manager page
LM.Tracker.SUM.NewList SUM Number of times a new list has been created
LM.Tracker.SUM.NewSegmentedList SUM Number of times a new segmented list has been created
LM.Tracker.SUM.SegmentedListSaved SUM Number of times a segmented list has been saved
LM.Tracker.SUM.ListToCsv SUM Number of times a list has been exported to a CSV file
LM.Tracker.SUM.SegmentedToContact SUM Number of times a segmented list has been converted to a contact list
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.Edit.Visit SUM Number of visit to experience editor edit page
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.Debug.Visit SUM Number of visit to experience editor debug page
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.Preview.Visit SUM Number of visit to experience editor preview page
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.Error SUM Number of critical ui errors happening in experience editor
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.EX.Visit SUM Number of visit experience editor explorer page
 XM.Platform.WXM.EE.EX.Error SUM Number of critical ui errors happening in experience editor explorer

For Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0

For Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0, all of the previous items, plus the following:
ID Type Description
CM.Tracker.SUM.NewCampaign  SUM

Sum of Campaigns created

CM.Tracker.SUM.CampaignSaved  SUM Sum of campaigns edited and saved
CM.Tracker.SUM.CampaignDelete  SUM Sum of campaigns deleted
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.CampaignActivate  SUM Number of times campaign activate feature has been used
XP.Platform.XConnect.Automation.CampaignDeactivate  SUM Number of times campaign deactivate feature has been used
 XP.UI.XAnalytics.MobilePhoneSegment.Queried  SUM Number of times Mobile Phone segment has been queried, any dimension
 XP.UI.XAnalytics.ComputerSegment.Queried  SUM Number of times Computer segment has been queried, any dimension
 XP.UI.XAnalytics.TabletSegment.Queried  SUM Number of times Tablet segment has been queried, any dimension
 XP.UI.XAnalytics.OtherSegments.Queried  SUM Number of times other segments have been queried, any dimension
 XP.UI.XAnalytics.LegacySegments.Queried  SUM Number of times legacy segments have been queried, any dimension
 SUM Number of times Experience Analytics dimension has been queried, any dimension

For Sitecore Experience Platform 10.1

For Sitecore Experience Platform 10.1, all of the previous items, plus the following:
ID Type Description

Number of times Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder custom activity for contact sync has been invoked.

XP.UI.XAnalytics.Active FLAG Determines if the user has entered any page in Experience Analytics