Spending Accounts and Budget Accounts

Spending Accounts

With spending accounts, buyer users pay for orders using accounts you control.  Accounts may be configured flexibly, using parameters that control account expiration, user access and overdraft.

When configuring spending accounts, keep the following in mind:
You must complete the following steps in each section to enable spending accounts:

Creating Account Types
Before creating any spending accounts, you must first create an account type--the classification for a set of accounts.For example, banks offer checking, savings and money market accounts.
    1. Log into your administrative interface.
    2. Click the "Admin" icon in the top navigation tab. 
    3. In the left navigation bar, click the "New Account Type" link. You will see a screen that looks like this:

    4. Enter a name for the account type. (This will not be displayed to users, it is used for XML purposes only.)
    5. Enter a label for the account type. (This will be displayed to users.)

Creating Spending Accounts
Next, create your spending accounts. A spending account is like a bank account from which a user withdraws funds to pay for an order.
    1. Log into your administrative interface. 
    2. Click the "Admin" icon in the top navigation tab.
    3. In the left navigation bar, click the "New Spending Account" link. You will see a screen that looks like this:

    4. Enter a name for the account. (This will not be displayed to users, it is used for XML purposes only.)
    5. Enter a label for the account. (This will be displayed to users.)
    6. Select an account type.If no options are available, create an account type by following the directions above.
    7. Select the party type to which this account is assigned: Company, Group or User.
    8. Select the party to which this account is assigned.
    9. Enter an initial account balance.
    10. Enter an expiration and start date. 
              NOTE: The account will not be available for use before or after these dates.
              NOTE: The time for start and expiration dates are 12:00am.  So, if you want the spending account to 
                 expire at the end of the day on 12/31, you would set the expiration date to 1/1 instead of 12/31.
    11. Click "Save."

Enable Spending Account Permission
Last, you must enable each user that will be using spending accounts with the appropriate permission.
    1. Log into your administrative interface.
    2. Click the "Buyers" icon in the top navigation tab.    
    3. Select a company from list.
    4. Select a party type: Company, Group or User.
    5. Select a desired party and navigate to the "Permissions" tab.
    6. Scroll through the permissions list until you find "Allowed Payment Methods - Spending Accounts." Check the box next to this permission.
    7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Update" button.
    8. Repeat for any additional users.

Updating Account Balances
At any time, you may manually adjust an account balance.  To adjust an account balance, complete the following:
    1. Log into your administrative interface.
    2. Click the "Admin" icon in the top navigation tab.
    3. In the left navigation bar, click "Spending Accounts."
    4. From the list of accounts, click the "Edit" link next to desired account.
    5. Enter a positive or negative dollar amount in the "Amount to Add" field.The account balance will be adjusted accordingly based on this amount.
    6. Click "Save."


Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Payment Methods Overview

Labels: Spending Accounts, Create Spending Account, Payment Method