Payment Methods Overview

Payment Methods Overview

There are four payment method options within the Four51 application:

1) Purchase Order
With this permission assigned, buyers are able to use a purchase order (PO) as their method of payment when they reach the billing page of the check-out process.  This allows the buyer to submit an order without entering any further billing information.

2) Spending Account
When a buyer user has been assigned this permission and at least one assigned spending account has been configured as a payment method, the spending account will be presented as a payment method option on the billing page during checkout.  This permission is only relevant if spending accounts are created with a spending account type that has the “Account is a payment method?” checkbox enabled. A spending account that is NOT configured as a payment method can be thought of as a budget, or in other words a visible running total of money spent, serving as a useful reference for the end-user. 

If a user does not have sufficient spending account funds to cover the total cost of an order, the balance can be placed on a credit card or paid for using a PO.

3) Submit for Approval (Standard Order)
This permission allows a buyer user to submit an order without providing billing information. If the permission is assigned and there is a matching approval rule, “Submit for approval” will appear as an option on the Billing page during checkout.
If an order is submitted for approval, the approving user will be required to provide billing information when he or she approves the order.
NOTE: You do not need to give users this permission in order to use approval rules, only to allow them to submit orders where the billing information will be provided by the approving user.  For information about flexible approval rules, see Related Articles.
4) Credit Card
For credit card processing to be enabled, a payment gateway must be installed which is linked to your merchant account solution. There are separate permissions for each credit card type- Depending on which credit card providers you are using, you may not see all of them as available options.
The available credit card permissions aren’t dependent on the buyer’s merchant account type, so you must be careful in environments with multiple credit card processors. Visa, MasterCard, Diner’s Club, American Express, JCB, Discover, Visa Debit (Delta), Electron, Laser/Maestro, Solo and Maestro (Switch) cards are all supported by at least one processor.
If a user is assigned one or more credit card payment permissions, the user will see a drop-down on the billing page. After selecting a card type, the user will enter the credit card information.
Every user must be assigned at least one payment method, but may be assigned multiple methods. The user will see the assigned methods on the billing page during the check-out process.

Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Creating Approval Rules

Labels: Payment Method, Purchase Order, Spending Account, Credit Cards, Submit for Approval, Payment Overview