Custom User Fields in Variable Text Products

Custom User Fields in Variable Text Products

To utilize the value in a custom user field in a variable text product:
   1.   Log into your Administrative interface.
   2.   Click the “Admin" top navigation tab.
   3.   Create a Custom User Field.
   4.   Note the Field Name, in this case “Email”

User-added image

   5.   Click the “Products” top navigation tab.
   6.   Locate the product you want to default the Website on.
   7.   Click the “Variable Specs” link on the left navigation.
   8.   Select the Email variable spec, or create one if none exists.
User-added image

   9.   Enter the Field Name surrounded by double brackets ([[]]). NOTE: The field name is case sensitive so be sure you copied it exactly.
User-added image

 10.   Click the “Save” button.

On the Buyer Interface, when a user clicks “Create New” on this product, if a value exists in the custom user field that value will appear on the spec form.

NOTE: The action of changing a field value from the custom user field default will only affect the field for that specific variant. If the value should be permanently changed that must be done on the Admin tab of the Buyer interface (if the user can view the field) or the Edit User page of the Administrative interface.


Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Custom User Field Overview  
Create a Custom User Field

Labels: Spec, Custom User Field