Create a Custom User Field

Create a Custom User Field

To create a Custom User Field:
   1.   Log into your Administrative interface.
   2.   Click the “Admin” top navigation tab.
   3.   Click the “New User Field” link in the left navigation bar.

User-added image

   4.   Enter a field name.This is a unique identifier for the field and will not appear to buyer users.
   5.   Enter a label. This value will appear to buyer users if you choose to display the field.
   6.   Select a field type. Please note that once you select a type and click save, you cannot change this selection in the future. Your options are:
   7.   If you want the field to be required, check the box next to “Required.”
   8.   If you want the user to be able to modify the field, check the box next to “Display To User.”
   9.   If you selected Text for the field type, complete the following:
         a.   Enter a default value (not required). The user may overwrite this value if you display the field to them.
         b.   Enter the number of lines. This is the display height of the text box.One line will limit the user to a single line of text. Two or more lines will allow the user to key information in a multi-line format.
         c.   Enter the display width in pixels. This is the display width of the text box. In general, 12-13 pixels is sufficient for each character of text.
         d.   Enter a maximum length. This is the maximum number of characters a user will be able to enter.
         e.   Masked input forces the buyer user to enter information in the format entered in the box.Leave the field blank to allow free text entry.
   10.   If you selected Selection for the field type, complete the following:
         a.   From the selection type drop-down, select either “Drop-down list” or “Radio buttons.”
         b.   If you want an “other” option, check the box next to “Include an open-ended “Other” option.”
         c.   Enter selection values in the “Add New Options” box. You may add more than one value at a time.
         d.   Click the “Add” button.
   11.   If you selected File for the field type, complete the following:
         a.   Enter acceptable file types in the “Allowed Extensions” box.
         b.   Set the minimum file size
         c.   Set the maximum file size
         d.   Enter upload instructions
         e.   Load a default file
         f.   Set additional Image limits by checking the box next to “Image?”
               i.   Minimum Height
               ii.   Maximum Height
               iii.   Minimum Width
               iv.   Maximum Width
               v.   Minimum DPI
               vi.   Maximum DPI
               vii.   Preview Size

To assign the user field you have just created to a buyer company, follow these steps.
   1.   Click the “Buyers” top navigation tab.
   2.   Select the desired buyer company from the list.
   3.   Decide who will be using the order field: Company, group or user (NOTE: In the example below, this order field is being applied to a company.)
   4.   If you choose group or users, select the desired group or user from the list.
   5.   Click the “User Fields” tab.

User-added image

   6.   Click the check-box next to the order field you wish to associate with the chosen buyer.
   7.   Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page.


Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Custom User Field Overview
Edit a Custom User Field
Delete a Custom User Field
Managing Associations

Labels: Custom User Field, User Field, Custom Fields