Auto Email Overview

Auto Email Overview

Each of the automatic emails generated by Four51 are editable per buyer.* 

*NOTE: The seller site New Order Notification auto email is not editable on a per buyer basis; it can only be edited for the entire site. 

To edit any of the automatic emails, follow these steps:
1. Log onto your Administrative interface.
2. Click on the buyer for which you wish to edit an email.
3. Click "Auto Email" in the left navigation bar. 
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4. From the drop-down, select the email you wish to edit.

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5. In the field below the drop-down, you will find the text for that email and the special tags that work with OrderCloud. 

Other options for the auto email setup are:
  1. The "From Email" will mask the email domain to whatever you put in this field.
  2. You can supply a "Reply To" email for buyers.
  3. If needed, the subject line of the email can be edited.
  4. You can choose to turn off this email for a time, or altogether if needed, by using the "Send this message" check-box.
  5. The email body can use either text formatting or a wysiwyg html editor (shown below).
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Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
Auto Email Types

Labels: Email, Auto Email, Email content