Auto Email OverviewEach of the automatic emails generated by Four51 are editable per buyer.*
*NOTE: The seller site New Order Notification auto email is not editable on a per buyer basis; it can only be edited for the entire site.
To edit any of the automatic emails, follow these steps:
1. Log onto your Administrative interface.
2. Click on the buyer for which you wish to edit an email.
3. Click "Auto Email" in the left navigation bar.
4. From the drop-down, select the email you wish to edit.
5. In the field below the drop-down, you will find the text for that email and the special tags that work with OrderCloud.
Other options for the auto email setup are:
- The "From Email" will mask the email domain to whatever you put in this field.
- You can supply a "Reply To" email for buyers.
- If needed, the subject line of the email can be edited.
- You can choose to turn off this email for a time, or altogether if needed, by using the "Send this message" check-box.
- The email body can use either text formatting or a wysiwyg html editor (shown below).
Reference Material: None
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Auto Email Types
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