How to disable the options displayed in the right-side panel of Sitecore Pages for relevant users


The current article contains information on how to customize or restrict the options in the Layout and Styling sections in Sitecore Pages in XM Cloud solutions. The article is applied to SXA managed sites only.

Customizing the Layout section

The Layout section in Sitecore Pages is populated based on the items associated with the selected Grid setup. When creating a site, by default the Bootstrap 5 grid system is used. It defines the Layout options through the items found at:

/sitecore/system/Settings/Feature/Experience Accelerator/Bootstrap 5/Bootstrap 5 Grid Definition

You can also create an SXA site using another grid system, for example, for the Tailwind grid system the items are found in:

/sitecore/system/Settings/Feature/Experience Accelerator/GridTailwind/Tailwind Grid Definition

To manage the visibility of these fields, you can configure the security access restrictions via assigning security rights for the relevant users or roles as it is defined in Access Rights documentation.

Note that modifying the default system items is not recommended. Sitecore strongly recommends creating a custom grid for implementing changes.

Refer to the following articles for more details on grid configuration and creating custom grids:

Customizing the Styling section

The Styling section of Sitecore Pages can be modified by creating/restricting items under the site's presentation/styles node. For example:

/sitecore/content/[Headless Tenant]/[Headless site]/Presentation/Styles

See the related documentation here: