Sitecore Managed Cloud Containers . Nginx ingress 1.3.0 is not compatible with AKS 1.25


Solutions based on AKS 1.25.* cluster version with Nginx ingress controller version 1.3.0 might face issues and cause downtime. The root cause is that  AKS 1.25.* is not compatible with Nginx ingress controller 1.3.0.


Important note:

Before you perform the below steps, double check your Nginx ingress controller version. In your AKS, check the Nginx pod "nginx-ingress-xxx-xxxx". You can find the version in the YAML file like below.

In case you have any questions or need any further assistance, raise a support case from the Sitecore Support Portal.





As a temporary solution, consider increasing resources of Nginx twice (x2) in Application Repo -> /config/resources/resources.json:


Planned further actions for Customers

Sitecore continues to work on solving the issue and will provide an update later about the final solution. Follow the updates in this article.