Managed Cloud Standard – PaaS 2.0. Web App Deployment Slots


This article describes the process for enabling Azure App Service Deployment Slots in your Sitecore Managed Cloud – PaaS 2.0 Environment.

Deployment Slot Description

When deploying a web app to an Azure App Service, you can use a separate deployment slot instead of the default production slot when running in the Standard, Premium, or Isolated App Service plan tier.
Deployment slots are live apps with their host names. App content and configuration elements can be swapped between two deployment slots, including the production slot.

Sitecore Managed Cloud PaaS 2.0 – Topologies and Tiers

Review the following KB article for further details on the Azure Services included within your Managed Cloud Environment. Specific emphasis is placed on the CM and CD Servers deployed with Premium App Services Plans.

Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard - PaaS 2.0. Topologies and tiers for Sitecore XP 10.3.1 and higher

App Deployment Slot RACI

The charts on the following pages use the coding system outlined below:

High-Level App Service Deployment Slot Implementation Steps

The steps below serve as a guideline for enabling App Deployments slots within your Sitecore Managed Cloud PaaS 2.0 environment.

RACI Description Customer/Partner Sitecore
 Request Azure App Service Deployment Slot R, A C, I
 Enable Azure App Service Deployment Slot C, I R, A
 Restrict Deployment Slot Network Security Access * C, I R, A
 Deploy Custom Code/application ** R, A C, I
 Deploy Additional Databases (as needed) *** R, A C, I
 Swapping App Deployment Slots R, A C, I
 Troubleshooting App Deployment Slot Deployments R, A C, I

* Once the deployment slot has been established, we must create a "Private endpoint" to conform with our network security policies, which exclusively permits traffic via the private network and blocks access from the public internet. Once the private endpoint has been activated, our web app activates "Access restriction." It acquires a private IP address from the "pe" subnet, allowing access solely through the private network and one of the Hub's entry point solutions. 
** Be aware that the newly created deployment slot is initially empty, and you will need to deploy your application once the slot has been enabled.
*** Depending on your requirement, you may choose to deploy additional databases.  

Technical Considerations

Performance Considerations

Cost Considerations