Error when uploading an image in the Rich Text Editor


Uploading an image in the Rich Text Editor (RTE) might fail with an alert similar to the following:

[your media file name] : Cannot write to the target folder!

When you right-click an image inserted in a Rich Text Editor field, you can access the image Properties. The Choose Image property opens the Image Manager dialog. The issue occurs if you upload an image by clicking Upload in the Image Manager dialog.



To upload a media file without closing the Rich Text Editor:

  1. In the Rich Text Editor, click Insert Sitecore Media. 
  2. Select or create a folder. This folder is used as a destination for the upload action.
  3. Right-click the selected folder and click Insert, then click Upload File.
  4. In the Upload File dialog, click a file and then click Upload.


Note: To hide the Upload button in the Image Manager dialog:

  1. Open the [your website root]\sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\EditorPage.aspx file.
  2. Find the following line:
    ImageManager-UploadPaths="/media library"
  3. Replace it with:
  4. Save changes.