The issue might happen when navigating to the GraphQL field of the JsonRendering item in the Content Editor and clicking Open xGraph Browser on the field.
GraphQL Playground IDE opens up in a new browser window. Errors similar to the following can be displayed:
Query is too long to transfer into editor. Please copy and paste your integrated mode query to execute it.
The root cause of the issue is that a query and the context parameters are added to the query string parameters, but Playground IDE does not treat the query string as the data source.
HTTP Error 404.15 -Not Found The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long
The issue occurs when the length of the requested URL's query string, which includes the GraphQL query and other parameters, exceeds the maximum length of the query string.
For more details, refer to the figures below.
The issue affects Sitecore Headless Services 16.0.0-19.0.0.
To resolve the issue: