Cumulative hotfix for Sitecore XP 10.2


The current article contains the latest version of the pre-release (hereinafter referred to as the hotfix) that includes all updates currently available for the Sitecore XP 10.2 version. Be aware that the hotfix was built for Sitecore XP 10.2 and must not be installed on other Sitecore XP versions. The hotfix can be applied both to XM and XP Sitecore Experience Platform topologies.

For more details about known issues fixed, refer to the "Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Documentation/Sitecore.Platform.Releasenotes 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx" file found inside the hotfix package.

The hotfix package for Sitecore XP 10.2 can be downloaded from:

Cumulative hotfix for Sitecore XP 10.2

 Important note:
Before applying the hotfix, check the corresponding Release notes in later updates available on and make sure that your issue has not been fixed in the released updates. When fixed, upgrade your instance to the latest Sitecore XP 10.2.x minor update available.

If you are experiencing problems while upgrading the instance or installing the hotfix, contact Sitecore Support.


To resolve the issue, use one of the following solutions depending on your deployment:

Note that the latest version of a hotfix always includes all changes released in its previous versions. Therefore, the latest version of the hotfix can be installed on top of an earlier version of the hotfix for the same minor version of Sitecore XP. For example, you can safely install the "Sitecore 10.2.1 rev. 22222 PRE" version on top of the "Sitecore 10.2.1 rev. 11111 PRE".

Cumulative hotfix on top of any updates

A hotfix is installed on top of the initial release or any other update release. To install the hotfix:

  1. Download the latest hotfix package for Sitecore XP 10.2.
  2. Check the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Documentation/Sitecore.Platform.Cumulative.Instructions 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx file that can contain specific instructions if they are required.
  3. Install the hotfix from one of the following package folders depending on your deployment:
    • For on-prem, from the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/OnPremCumulative folder.
    • For PaaS, from the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/CloudCumulative folder.

For example:

Note that all release numbers are fictitious and are given as an example only.

 If the issue has not been fixed in Sitecore XP updates released on (let's assume they are Sitecore XP 10.2.0-10.2.2), and at the same time, the issue has been fixed in the latest hotfix "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE":
  1. Download the hotfix package "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE".
  2. Check the "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE/Documentation/Sitecore.Platform.Cumulative.Instructions 10.2.3 rev. 333333" file that can contain specific instructions if they are required.
  3. Install the hotfix from "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE/Platform Patch/OnPremCumulative" on top of Sitecore XP 10.2.0, or XP 10.2.1, or XP 10.2.2 in case of on-prem solution.


Cumulative hotfix on top of the latest update

A hotfix is installed on top of the latest update release. To install the hotfix:

  1. Upgrade your instance to the latest Sitecore XP 10.2.x minor update available for Sitecore XP 10.2 on
  2. Download the hotfix package for Sitecore XP 10.2.
  3. Check the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Documentation/Sitecore.Platform.Instructions 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx file that can contain specific instructions if they are required.
  4. Install the hotfix from one of the following package folders depending on your deployment:
    • For on-prem, from the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/OnPrem folder.
    • For PaaS, from the Sitecore 10.2.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/Cloud folder.

For example:

Note that all release numbers are fictitious and are given as an example only.


If the issue has not been fixed in Sitecore XP updates released on (let's assume they are Sitecore XP 10.2.0-10.2.2), and at the same time, the issue has been fixed in the latest hotfix "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE", installation steps could be the following:

  1. Upgrade your instance to Sitecore XP 10.2.2 (the latest available minor update on if you have not installed it before.
  2. Download the hotfix package "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE".
  3. Check the "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333/Documentation/Sitecore.Platform.Instructions 10.2.3 rev. 333333" file that can contain specific instructions if they are required.
  4. Install the hotfix from "Sitecore 10.2.3 rev. 333333 PRE/Platform Patch/Cloud" in case of PaaS solution.