All items in a catalog item branch might fail to load and cause an unhandled exception. The root cause of the issue is that the Catalog Mappings table has a considerable number of records and the size of catalog mappings exceeds 2 GB. The following message can be found in the logs:
ERROR Commerce.Connector - Request URL: GetCatalogMappings(environmentName='') - Exception: System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString() at Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.DataProvider.CommerceRepository.InvokeHttpClientGet(String serviceCallUrl, Boolean useCommerceOps, Boolean raiseException, String language, String environment, IDictionary`2 headers) Exception: System.OutOfMemoryException Message: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Source: mscorlib at System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString() at Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.DataProvider.CommerceRepository.InvokeHttpClientGet(String serviceCallUrl, Boolean useCommerceOps, Boolean raiseException, String language, String environment, IDictionary`2 headers)
To resolve the issue, consider one of the following options:
Note: Before installing this hotfix, you must install the Hotfix rollup package for Sitecore Experience Commerce 9.3.0 or all the hotfixes included in the rollup package.
Be aware that the hotfixes were built for the specific Sitecore XC version and must not be installed on other Sitecore XC versions or in combination with other hotfixes. In case any other hotfixes have already been installed on a certain Sitecore XC instance, send a request for a compatibility check to Sitecore Support.
Note that the ZIP file contents must be extracted to locate installation instructions and related files inside. The hotfixes must be installed on a CM instance and then synced with other instances using standard development practices.