How to upgrade Sitecore Managed Cloud Containers


This article provides detailed information about the Sitecore Managed Cloud Containers upgrade.

Release notes

Release notes are available in the same storage account container as the upgrade packages: mccsharedupgradestorage.

The filename is:

release_notes.<mcc package version>.md

For example,

Versions for upgrade

The list of versions available for the upgrade can be found in the storage account container:


Terms of upgrade

Customers are willing to choose an appropriate time for upgrading.

Upgrade packages contain required fixes or improvements in the Sitecore Managed Cloud Containers infrastructure.

Sitecore might provide customers with upgrades for every version. Sitecore Cloud Operations engineers release upgrades as necessary when fixing issues or introducing new features.

Upgrades through pipelines must be installed one by one version. When skipping at least one upgrade version, customers must follow guidelines from Update Managed Cloud manually.

Customers can install any upgrade package for their Sitecore instance.

Important note: While performing the upgrade, it is possible to replace the existing files without any conflict when creating a new branch. To prevent this, the following points must be taken into account:

RACI matrix

A responsibility assignment matrix can be found in Managed Cloud security overview