To avoid false-positive alerts while doing some maintenance tasks on your production environment, you might want to temporarily disable the alerts until you have finished the work you are doing, and then re-enable them.
In addition, Sitecore Managed Cloud team does not support or monitor customized alerts that are created by the customer, and therefore, customers must create their own Action Group to monitor their customized alerts.
Regarding customized alerts, it is important to note the following:
- Customers must NOT modify the default Sitecore Advanced Monitoring alerts.
If the standard platform monitoring is changed by the customer, it might prevent the Sitecore Managed Cloud team from delivering on alert SLAs.
- A customer can choose to create their own customized alerts.
- In Azure portal, go to your Resource Group "mc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- Select Monitoring, then Alerts in the left-hand pane of the Resource group window.
- Select Alert rules in the Alerts window.
- Consider the following options:
- To disable an alert: Make sure the Status is set to Enabled, select the alert, and then click Disable.
- To enable an alert: Make sure the Status is set to Disabled, select the alert, and then click Enable.
- In Azure portal, go to your Resource Group "mc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- Select Monitoring, then Alerts in the left-hand pane of the Resource group window.
- Select Action groups in the Alerts window.
- Select the Action Group that ends with -AG.
- Select Notification Type as Email/SMS Message/Push/Voice , provide a unique name, Choose Email in the right pane, provide valid email ID and click OK.
- Click on Save Changes to save the changes in the notification emails.
- In Azure portal, go to your Resource Group "mc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- Select Monitoring, then Alerts in the left-hand pane of the Resource group window.
- Select Action groups in the Alerts window.
- Select the Action Group which ends with -AG.
- Click the Edit icon for each email, find the desired email to modify, modify the email as required on step 2(highlighted) and click OK.
- Click Save changes to save changes to the alert recipients.
- In Azure portal, go to your Resource Group "mc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- Select Monitoring, then Alerts in the left-hand pane of the Resource group window.
- Select Action groups in the Alerts window.
- Select the Action Group that ends with -AG.
- Click Edit icon for each email, find the desired email to delete, and click okay.
- Click Save changes to save changes to the alert recipients.
- In Azure portal, go to your Resource Group "mc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- Select Monitoring, then Alerts in the left pane of the Resource group window.
- Select Action groups in the Alerts window.
- Select Add action group.
- Select the Subscription and Resource Group in which the action group is saved, enter the Action group name and Display name, and then click Next:Notifications
- In the Notification type, select the type of notification to be Email/SMS message/Push/Voice.
- Enter a unique Name for the notification.
- Under Selected, configure the notification by clicking the edit button.
- Add the email address to receive the alerts, and then click OK.
- Select Review + create. (Note: You do not have to go to Actions and Tags sections)
- For more information, see