"Evaluation of condition failed" errors appear when the website visitors are identified as robots


In case a visitor, which has been identified as a robot, visits a website page that contains personalization conditions with a reference to analytics tracker, the following error is added to log files:

ERROR Evaluation of condition failed. Rule item ID: Unknown, condition item ID: {D941FE54-0798-49D6-A403-D36537FC4661}
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: Tracker.Current.Session.Interaction is not initialized
Source: Sitecore.Kernel
   at Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(Object value, String message)
   at Sitecore.Analytics.Rules.Conditions.VisitCondition`1.Execute(T ruleContext)
   at Sitecore.Rules.Conditions.WhenCondition`1.Evaluate(T ruleContext, RuleStack stack)
   at Sitecore.Rules.RuleList`1.Run(T ruleContext, Boolean stopOnFirstMatching, Int32& executedRulesCount)

The condition ID and error stack trace may vary depending on the conditions used on the page.


Install the following patch that updates the GetTracker processor of the <createTracker> pipeline to handle the robots correctly.

For Sitecore XP 7.5—8.0:

  1. Put the Sitecore.Support.424667.dll file to the \bin folder.
  2. Put the Sitecore.Support.424667.config file to the \App_Config\Include folder.

For Sitecore XP 8.1:

  1. Put the Sitecore.Support.424667.81.dll file to the \bin folder.
  2. Put the Sitecore.Support.424667.81.config file to the \App_Config\Include folder.

If you need a solution for another Sitecore XP release, contact Sitecore Support.