SELECT COUNT(*) as NumberOfClonesFROM [dbo].[Fields]
WHERE (FieldId = '1B86697D-60CA-4D80-83FB-7555A2E6CE1C' OR FieldId = '19B597D3-2EDD-4AE2-AEFE-4A94C7F10E31') AND ([Value] <> '')
If the NumberOfClones is equal to 0 then the Item Cloning feature is not used in the solution. In this case we recommend disabling the feature:
<setting name="ItemCloning.Enabled" value="false"/>
Otherwise, we recommend that you disable the feature on all Sitecore instances except for ContentManagement and Standalone:
<setting name="ItemCloning.Enabled" value="false"/>
<setting name="ItemCloning.Enabled" role:require="ContentManagement or Standalone">
<patch:attribute name="value">true</patch:attribute>