The Rich Text Editor (RTE) Insert Link dialog might be clipped. That makes it impossible to click Insert to save the link changes because the page cannot be scrolled down to the bottom of the dialog. This also happens for the Insert Media dialog.
To resolve the issue, consider one of the following options:
//bug #96285
var dialogContentContainer = window.document.querySelector('.scDialogContentContainer');
var clientHeight = dialogContentContainer.clientHeight;
var maxDialogHeight = Math.min(700, clientHeight);
var clientWidth = dialogContentContainer.clientWidth;
var maxDialogWidth = Math.min(1100, clientWidth);
//bug #96285
"maxDialogWidth, // bug #96285"and
"maxDialogHeight, //bug #96285"in the first "editor.showExternalDialog(...)"
//bug #96285
var dialogContentContainer = window.document.querySelector('.scDialogContentContainer');
var clientHeight = dialogContentContainer.clientHeight;
var maxDialogHeight = Math.min(700, clientHeight);
var clientWidth = dialogContentContainer.clientWidth;
var maxDialogWidth = Math.min(1105, clientWidth);
//bug #96285
"maxDialogWidth, // bug #96285"and
"maxDialogHeight, //bug #96285"in the second "editor.showExternalDialog(...)".