When configuring the Sitecore Active Directory module, if the Active Directory server name starts with "dc" or "DC" in the AD connection string, the Directory Notification feature does not work and the following warnings are written to the Sitecore log:
1320 12:18:00 WARN AD: reconnected
1320 12:18:00 WARN AD: attempt reconnecting...
An example of the erring connection string is the following:
<add name="ManagersConnString" connectionString="LDAP://dctest/DC=company,DC=net "/>
This issue affects Active Directory 1.0.0 - 1.0.2 versions.
Use the server IP address instead of the name in the AD connection string:
<add name="ManagersConnString" connectionString="LDAP://{IP}/DC=company,DC=net "/>
{IP} is the IP of the AD server, such as
The AD connection string is placed in the App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file.