Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.0 Azure Tiers and Topologies


This article describes the Azure resource types and sizes that are provisioned with the Sitecore XC 10.0 ARM templates found in the Sitecore Azure Quickstart Templates repository on Sitecore Azure Quickstart Templatest Repository on GitHub.

The Azure resources are defined for size tiers as described in the following table. These tiers are based on testing in the lab. They can serve as a starting point to help in sizing the requirements for a particular deployment. However, each deployment will differ in requirements, so it is recommended that you test your particular application and tune the resource sizes or instance counts as needed.

The Experience Platform (XP) tier size definitions changed this release per the Sitecore XP 10.0 ARM Templates - Topologies and Tiers KB article. However, the Experience Commerce tiers remain unchanged from the previous releases. This XP change impacts the XC default ARM template configuration. See the last table in this article for more information.

Scaling Metrics

Metric Small Medium Large Extra-Large
Visits/month range 100,000 - 200,000 200,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 5,000,000 - 10,000,000


The Visits/month range represents the volume of shopper visits in a typical month. This serves as a general guide for the tier size. A particular Commerce deployment might fall within or exceed these ranges, depending on the shopper visits profile across a typical day. For example, if shopper visits tend to be concentrated in a few busy hours, then the system needs to be specified to meet that high demand and is generally underutilized for the remainder of the day. If shopper visits are relatively evenly distributed across the day, then that same specified system might serve a higher total number of visits across the month.

Commerce-Specific ARM Template Configuration

This section states Azure resource instance counts and sizes that are configured specifically by the Sitecore XC ARM templates, including both Commerce-specific resources, and Sitecore XP resources that are modified by Sitecore XC ARM templates.

Role Small Medium Large Extra-Large
CD hosting plan:
  Content Delivery (CD)
S3 P3v2 4 x P3v2 6 x P3v2
Content Management hosting plan:
  Content Management (CM)

  Business Tools (bizfx) [2]
S3 P3v2 P3v2 P3v2
Engine hosting plan:
  Commerce Engine Shops (shop) [2]
  Commerce Engine Authoring (authoring) [2]
  Commerce Engine Ops (ops) [2]
S3 P3v2 2 x P3v2 3 x P3v2
Minions hosting plan:*
  Commerce Engine Minions (minions) [2]
S1 S1 S1 S1
xcResourceIntensive hosting plan:
  xConnect Collection (xc-collect)
  xConnect Reference Data (xc-refdata)
  Cortex Processing Service (cortex-processing) [1]
P3v2 P3v2 P3v2 2 x P3v2
Commerce shared database (shared-db)[2] S3 GP_Gen5_2 GP_Gen5_4 GP_Gen5_6
Commerce global database (global-db)[2] S0 S0 S0 S0
web database (web-db) S3 P1 P1 P1
xcShard 0 database (shard0-db) S3 P1 P1 P1
xcShard 1 database (shard1-db) S3 P1 P1 P1
redisCache (commerce-redis) C1 C1 C3 C4

Represents an optional Sitecore XP role that is not used in the default Sitecore XC solution. This must be excluded when sizing a default Sitecore XC solution.

[2] Commerce-specific resources.

Platform Default ARM Template Configuration

This section states Azure resource instance counts and sizes that are configured by the XP ARM templates, those that are not modified by XC ARM templates. The changes in XP 10.0 tier size definitions have resulted in some changes to default Azure resources. Commerce ARM templates have not been re-worked to accommodate these XP changes. Instead, the table below presents the default and tested settings, as follows:

Consider adjusting the default resources to match the recommended resources, where needed.

Role Small Medium Large Extra-Large
exmDds hosting plan:
  EXM Dispatch
S2 S2 S2 S2
si hosting plan:
  Sitecore Identity (si)
S1 S1 XP: S1
XC: S2
prc hosting plan:
  xDB Processing Service (prc)
S1 S1 S2 S2
rep hosting plan:
  xDB Reporting Service (rep)
S1 S2 S2 S2
 xcBasic hosting plan:
   Marketing Automation Operations (ma-ops)
   Marketing Automation Reporting (ma-rep)
   xConnect Collection Search (xc-search)
   Cortex Reporting Service (cortex-reporting) [1]
S1 S2 XP: S2
XC: S3
XP: 1 x S3
XC: 2 x S3
 core database (core-db) S1 S1 S1 S1
 cortex processing engine storage database (processingenginestorage-db) [1] S1 S2 XP: S2
XC: S3
 cortex processing engine tasks database (processingenginetasks-db) [1] S0 S0 S0 S0
 exmMaster database (exmmaster-db) S0 S0 XP: S0
XC: S1
XP: S1
XC: S2
 forms database (forms-db) S0 S0 S1 XP: S1
XC: S2
 marketing automation database (ma-db) XP: S1
XC: S0
S1 S1 S1
 master database (master-db) S1 S1 S1 S1
 pools database (pools-db) XP: S1
XC: S0
S1 S1 XP: S1
XC: S2
 refData database (refdata-db) S1 S2 XP: S2
XC: S3
 reporting database (reporting-db) XP: S2
XC: S1
S2 S2 XP: S2
XC: S3
 shardMapManager database (smm-db) S0 S0 S0 S0
 tasks database (tasks-db) S0 S0 S0 XP: S0
XC: S1
 applicationInsights (ai) 3 x Basic 3 x Basic XP: 3 x Basic
XC: 4 x Enterprise
4 x Enterprise 
 Azure Service Bus (asb) [1] Standard Standard  Standard  Standard 
 searchService - Azure (as) [2] XP: 1 x Standard 
(1 R x 1 P)
XC: 2 x Standard 
(1 R x 2 P)
XP: 2 x Standard 
(1 R x 2 P)
XC: 4 x Standard 
(2 R x 2 P)
XP: 2 x Standard 
(1 R x 2 P)
XC: 6 x Standard 
(2 R x 3 P)
XP: 3 x Standard 
(1 R x 3 P)
XC: 6 x Standard  
(2 R x 3 P)
 redisCache (redis) C1 C1 C1 XP: C1
XC: C2

[1]  Represents an optional Sitecore XP role that is not used in the default Sitecore XC solution. These must be excluded when sizing a default Sitecore XC solution.

[2]  Azure Search sizes refer to Search Units, which is the product of Replicas and Partitions (SU = R x P). See search units and SU combinations for more information.