Detailed below are the known issues with the Sitecore® Experience Platform™ 8.
For all Sitecore Experience Platform documentation, please visit the Sitecore Documentation Site.
For information about the availability of the fixes for the mentioned known issues, please refer to the Release Notes of the future Sitecore Experience Platform releases.
Note: This is not a complete list of known issues related to Sitecore 8. For additional known issues, please refer to here.
- A number of dialogs could not be opened on Content Management servers with out-of-process session-state configured. This happened because the pipeline arguments were not serialized correctly. This has been fixed to ensure that these dialogs function properly, however, please note that other Sitecore functions (in an out-of-process session-state server configuration) may not be supported as a result of this fix.
- The Journey component (timeline) can have performance issues on (older) tablets, especially when rendering large amounts of visit data (21749).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] Outcomes are read and written directly to xDB before a contact’s session ends.
- Outcome definition repositories return the same data for all languages.
- Outcome Definition Type is not deployed to the reporting database when outcome definitions are deployed.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Applications implemented with SPEAK fail to redirect the user to a login screen after a session times out (by default configured as 20 minutes of idle time), even after refreshing the page. Some aspects of the application may appear to continue to work properly, but the application does not save changes to the server. The workaround is to close the browser window and log in again in a new browser window.
- The Sitecore Analytics assembly contains some ToDo and NotImplementedExceptions that will be implemented in a later update.
- While upgrading to Sitecore 8.0, the User to Contact Conversion Tool may work slowly (430168).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Add Component button should be disabled if the Designing mode is off (411859).
- Delete Page: Confirm dialog regarding item clones deletion has scrolls (423518).
- JS Error appears when Assigning Profile Cards in IE11 (420054).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-3] Rich Text and Image fields may not be editable after adding View Rendering to the page (429968).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Explore mode: Value is not reset in the fixed mode when switching between pages (425785).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Explore mode: Value is not reset when clicking on the "Apply" or "Reset" button in journey mode (425483, 425142).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Explore mode: Profile keys are not reset if do not open the Setting panel (423014).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Explore mode: Value in the Viewer is counted twice if the Page Event Tab is opened (424357).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Error in Solr version of FXM search index configuration causes an exception when running with Solr enabled (12745).
Experience Editor integration
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Clicking a proxied link containing a query string does not URL encode the parameter properly (2977).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Dialog style is not consistent. Occurs on warning message “domain item already exists” (12440).
- Incorrect ordering of Placeholders in Experience Editor. Placeholders are ordered based on the Sitecore hierarchy not the visual implementation (9145).
- If an external site uses position:fixed in the CSS the Experience Editor Ribbon is hidden (25359).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-3] Message is shown "Beacon API has not been loaded" when placeholder with sublayout has position after/before (31712).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-3] If a domain matcher item has the rule "starts with path", the Experience Editor integration causes an error (39056).
FXM Management
- Role permissions are not supported within FXM specific roles (3183).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] User cannot save/publish domain directly after editing the Manage FXM functions tab (user can still perform the action after saving the edit) (12346).
- MV tests added to placeholder rendering do not show in Experience Editor (9146).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] In preview mode, the user can select \add\remove any event – events should be marked as inactive (12571).
- Domain Matcher name should have spaces instead of underscores (9088).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.1 Initial Release] Path Analyzer doesn’t support live aggregation. New maps are created nightly based on the visits from previous day.
Please consult this article to learn about the map construction process.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.1 Initial Release] Path Analyzer doesn’t support historic aggregation via /Sitecore/admin/rebuildreportingdb.aspx.
Please consult this article on how to rebuild maps in Path Analyzer.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] In remote provider configuration, Web API can be called without authentication. It is highly recommended to leverage IIS IP security for the reporting server in such a configuration.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.1 Initial Release] Delete map operation is not supported.
- Maps are constructed daily based on UTC. Customer-specific timezones are not supported.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] The calendar picker closes when using the month selector.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Page Analyzer: No message is shown in Contacts smart panel if no contacts are returned from the server.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] Page Analyzer: Some visualizations are not rendered properly in the Firefox browser.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-4] Some text is not properly translated into German and Japanese languages
Please consult this article on how to implement a workaround.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-3] Maps may not be properly deployed in a distributed configuration where a dedicated Reporting Server is configured.
Please contact Sitecore Support using reference number 433508 to obtain a hotfix for this issue.
- LinkedIn share button does not trigger a goal.
- Tweet share button does not trigger a goal in the IE 9/10/11 browser.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Incorrect Twitter "created date" field in the social profile.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] An error occurs when the author publishes an approved message.
- Social channels are not set in Internet Explorer 11.
- Can't create a new Twitter user when the requiresUniqueEmail attribute is set to true in the SQL Membership provider.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Google's social profile isn't updated while upgrading from Sitecore 7.5 to Sitecore 8.0 (26701).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-4] It is impossible to add a Facebook account in Sitecore, the following error appears: invalid scopes: offline_access (57890).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-4] It is impossible to log in with the Facebook connector, the following error appears: invalid scopes: offline_access (57893).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-4] 403 Error appears during login to site with LinkedIn connector (57895).
- [Fixed in WFFM 8.0 Update-2] A form can't be added to a page via Experience Editor (25117).
- [Fixed in WFFM 8.0 Update-2] Export a form to ascx file functionality isn't working (25048).
- [Fixed in WFFM 8.0 Update-2] It is not possible to translate form in Form Designer. 'Language' dropdown doesn't show languages (24964).
- Form reports app -> Detailed tab: more contacts aren't loaded while you scroll the list (25037).
- Drag and Drop doesn't work in Firefox for form's fields in the Form Designer (downgraded from high priority to medium) (24969).
- [Fixed in WFFM 8.0 Update-2] 'content' placeholder is not available for insert form on a layout without any layouts and renderings (24924).
- Form reports->Summary tab: refresh button is absent on accordion header (25038).
- Shortened titles of fields in the Form Reports (25024).
- Search in 'Is User in Role' verification resulting in an error (24928).
- [Fixed in WFFM 8.0 Update-2] 'Add items' button doesn't work for List Field types in Firefox (24959).
- Danish translations for new save actions and new Form Reports are absent in the package (41578).
- Data from Listbox and RadioList fields on MVC are not written to the xDB (25149).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] DeployDate is not carried over to the reporting.secondary database during rebuildreportingdb.aspx execution (25924).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] When RDB doesn’t contain any analytics data, the log will show an error (23206).
- "Session timeout [can] cause server error", as the bug is not reproduced every time (23864).
- Content testing is not supported in LIVE mode (28434).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] When running multi-language websites, the screenshots may be generated for the default language, rather than the specific language the test was created in. (25498).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Certain screenshot generation requests may cause the application to crash when running under IIS Express. (26775).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] When creating a personalization test, the list of active tests and the task page in xOptimization will show that zero experiences were created, which leads to a wrong time estimation and screenshots generation for the active and historical test. However, the test result will still list all the relevant experiences. This could also cause the test summary to show empty values, when the test has ended (26780, 25578).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Some dialogs are not working in IE10. (25387, 23533).
- Due to several changes in collecting and reporting data in content testing, the data collected prior to Sitecore 8 will not be transferred.
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] Personalization tests could display the wrong time estimation for an active test. (25578).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-3] Country condition does not evaluate when running as part of a test (41251).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Whilst Solr support has been developed as part of List Manager, we are aware of an issue that may affect performance and limit the number of contacts returned from a list in a distributed environment. The issue may affect larger lists in List Manager and EXM, however, a fix will soon be available in the next List Manager update (23512).
- List Manager security roles do not currently permit access to Experience Profiles. Access to Experience Profiles must be set manually via the Security Manager on a per-user basis (22454, 23853).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Contact lists may not unlock if a contact being imported from a CSV file is currently visiting and the contact is locked. Manual unlocking is not currently available (25928).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] JavaSript or HTML may be imported via CSV, representing a security risk. CSV files should only contain text contact fields (25209).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-2] Adding a locked list to an existing list will result in the list being added, but not the contacts. In order to add the list, it should be removed, and re-added once unlocked (18130).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] Iframe integration with Rules Editor on Segmented lists may cause session timeout even though the user has been active with editing the page. This may result in the user being redirected to the login screen, or being unable to edit the rules on the segmented list (26779).
- [Fixed in Sitecore 8.0 Update-1] List may not be unlocked if the entire folder in which the list is contained, is moved (26505).