Using faceting feature might lead to high memory usage or site outage


Sitecore content search uses faceting in order to arrange search results into categories based on indexed terms. When using faceting, users are presented with the indexed terms along with the number of matching documents.

Faceting makes it easier for users to explore search results, as it allows you to navigate to specific search result categories.

However, building a facet on a field that contains dozens of different terms, for example the item's creation date field, can lead to high memory usage or a site outage.

You typically use the facet feature in the following scenarios:

  1. When searching in the Content Editor using the Search tab:

    Content Editor Search

  2. When browsing for an image using the Select media dialog:

    Select Media Dialog
  3. When searching in custom code using Sitecore content search Linq.


If you experience high memory usage or site outages when using facets, disable the facet calculation functionality for fields that have a large variety of parameters.

If the issue happens when using the Sitecore client, use the guidelines below:

If you encounter any difficulties with identifying the specific facets that are causing the issue, please contact Sitecore Support and refer to the current article.