Processing Field Name warnings in Search log files


Indexing operation might create a lot of warnings in the Search log file if Solr is used as a search provider.

37536 14:46:58 WARN  Processing Field Name : __insert_rules Search field name in Solr with Template Resolver is returning no entry.
37536 14:46:58 WARN  Processing Field Name : __insert rules. Resolving Multiple Field found on Solr Field Map. No matching template field on index field name '__insert_rules', return type 'List`1' and field type 'treelistex'


To resolve the issue, download and install the hotfix compatible with the affected product version:

Be aware that the hotfix was built for specific Sitecore XP versions, and must not be installed on other Sitecore XP versions or in combination with other hotfixes. In case any other hotfixes have already been installed on certain Sitecore XP instances, send a request for a compatibility check to Sitecore Support.

Note that the ZIP file contents need to be extracted to locate installation instructions and related files inside. The hotfixes must be installed on a CM instance and then synced with other instances using standard development practices.