"The size of the request headers is too long" error when trying to log in via the Azure AD subprovider


When a user is a member of multiple security groups in the Azure AD, the authentication attempt using the Azure AD subprovider might fail with the following error:

Bad Request - Request Too Long
HTTP Error: 400: The size of the request headers is too long.

Solutions For Any Environment

Consider one of the following options:

Solution For On-Premise

To address the issue proceed as follows:

  1. Apply the fixes suggested in the following configuration sample to your Sitecore Identity Server and to all the loadbalancer/gateway/network infrastructure you put in place in front of the Identity Server:
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097152" />
  2. Modify registry values, as described in HTTP 400 Bad Request (Request Header too long) responses to HTTP requests.
  3. Restart the server hosting the Identity Server.

Solution For Azure Web App

In the case of Azure deployment, the registry values are not accessible (Write-access to the registry is blocked, which makes it an Azure limitation). To resolve this Azure limitation, move your Identity Server from the App Service to a Windows Server Virtual Machine where you have access to those registry keys.