If the provided ALT text contains invalid characters, the generated HTML is not valid.
For Web control:
<sc:Image id="imageControl" Field="Image" runat="server" />
Encode the Alt text with the following code:
public void Page_Load(object obj, EventArgs eventArgs)
var imageField = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["image"];
if(FieldTypeManager.GetField(imageField) is Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField)
string altText = ((Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField)imageField).Alt;
imageControl.Alt = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(altText);
For XSL control:
In the xsl rendering file, replace the <sc:image ... /> tag with the code similar to the following:
<img src="{sc:fld('Image',.,'src')}" >
<xsl:attribute name="alt">
<xsl:value-of select="sc:fld('Image',.,'alt')" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>