Commerce Connect 8.2 engagement plan cannot send email messages


The default engagement plans (such as Abandoned cart, and so on) in Commerce Connect cannot send email messages when contacts are moved to the corresponding states. The following error messages appear in the log file:

ManagedPoolThread #10 15:59:57 WARN  Could not find type in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Sitecore.Automation.MarketingAutomation.AutomationActions.SendEmailMessageAction
ManagedPoolThread #10 15:59:57 ERROR Workflow action not found: Sitecore.Automation.MarketingAutomation.AutomationActions.SendEmailMessageAction,Sitecore.Analytics.Automation. It must derive from Sitecore.Analytics.Automation.IAutomationAction.

This is caused by a deprecated Sitecore XP type being referenced in default engagement plans.


To resolve the issue, consider the following option:

  1. Open the /sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Engagement Plans/CommerceConnect/Storefront Abandoned Carts/Initial State/Has email/Send E-Mail Message item in the Content Editor.
  2. Change the Type string field value to the following: