When rebuild is not running, rebuildAgent for rebuilding reporting database runs once every 15 seconds (by default). In case a certain TaskID from the TreeDefinitions table is not present in the HistoryTasks table of the processing pool database, the message similar to the following might appear in Application Insights every 15 seconds:
A rebuild process with the specified unique identifier does not exist
You can safely ignore such messages. Otherwise, try the following solution.
To prevent these frequent unnecessary messages from being written to the logs:
- Back up your [Processing.tasks] database.
- In the Azure SQL Server firewall, allow your IP address.
- Using the SQL Server Management Studio and SQL admin credentials that were specified during deploying of your solution, connect to the related Azure SQL Server.
- Navigate to:
[Processing.tasks] database -> Programmability -> xdb_processing_tasks.History_GetTaskStateById
- Generate an altering script:
Right-click on the stored procedure -> Script Stored Procedure as ... -> ALTER To -> New Query Editor Window
In the bottom of the generated script, delete the following line:
RAISERROR( N'A rebuild process with the specified unique identifier does not exist.', 16, 1 ) WITH NOWAIT;
- To apply the required change, run this modified script in the same SQL Server Management Studio window.