Performance issues when unlocking items


The process of unlocking items in the My items dialog in Content Editor might be noticeably slow. The issue is caused by a query that makes heavy SQL requests when processing a large content tree to identify the items locked by a user.


To resolve the issue for Sitecore XP 9.0.x, do the following:

  1. Download the following files and copy them to the corresponding directories:
  2. Introduce the SQL-filtered index for the Sitecore Master database:
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Versioned_Locks_Filtered
        ON VersionedFields (itemID)
    INCLUDE (Value,language,version)
        WHERE FieldId='{001DD393-96C5-490B-924A-B0F25CD9EFD8}' -- this is lock fieldID
  3. Navigate to the \Website\sitecore\shell\Applications\WebEdit\Dialogs\LockedItems folder and change the x:inherits attribute in the LockedItems.xaml.xml file as follows:
    <Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Dialogs.LockedItems x:inherits="Sitecore.Support.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Dialogs.LockedItems.LockedItemsPage,Sitecore.Support.156916">

To get a solution for other Sitecore XP releases, contact Sitecore Support.