The Application Map feature in the Application Insights service is not enabled by default when Sitecore XP is deployed to Microsoft Azure App Service (Web Apps).
When Sitecore is deployed to Microsoft Azure App Service, it is integrated with the Application Insights service by default. In order to optimize resources consumption, Sitecore does not collect "dependency" telemetry events, which record information about outgoing HTTP and SQL connections from a Sitecore XP instance. The Application Map feature relies on these telemetry events to visualize connections between the services and display diagnostic information.
To enable the collection of "dependency" telemetry events, uncomment the following line in the ApplicationInsights.config file located inside the website root folder:
<!-- <Add Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule, Microsoft.AI.DependencyCollector"/> -->
After this, the Application Map data will be displayed in the Azure Portal:
Note: Enabling dependency collector will significantly increase telemetry consumption in the Application Insights service and should only be used for diagnostic purposes.