Note: This known issue was fixed in Sitecore Analytics Upgrade Tool rev. 120206
After upgrading Sitecore Analytics database to DMS 2.0 using the old versions of the Sitecore Analytics Upgrade Tool, the following errors may appear in Sitecore log files:
ERROR Failed to populate visit information. Visitid: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Exception: System.TimeoutException
Message: Timed out waiting for GeoIp subsystem.
Source: Sitecore.Analytics
at Sitecore.Analytics.Lookups.GeoIpWorker.ProcessVisits()
SET [Status] = '2', Fetched = GETDATE(), CachedValue = ''
WHERE [Status] = '0' or [Status] = '2' or [fetched] = '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' or CachedValue = NULL