Horizon 9.3: Available functionality, compatibility, and known issues


Horizon is the new alternative approach to editing content available in Sitecore XP 9.3. It is an Angular-based application which can be installed separately, and is hosted separately from the main Sitecore instance.

At the time of release, the following functionality is available:

The work on Horizon continues, and it will receive more features in upcoming releases.

SXA Compatibility

SXA supports basic page editing with Horizon. A page and a site that is already assembled with Experience Editor can have its content and the content of its data sources edited. However, at the time of releasing SXA 9.3 Horizon does not support editing of Rendering Parameters, so the layout and composition of a page cannot be changed outside of Experience Editor.

Publishing Service Compatibility

Horizon is not yet compatible with Publishing Service, and users will get an error trying to publish content through Horizon on an instance with the Publishing Module enabled.


We aim to make Horizon editor into the most comfortable and intuitive editing tool for Sitecore authoring and we always appreciate feedback. If you have any questions or if you would like to share your thoughts, please contact us through Sitecore support.