How to collect basic information about the Identity Server


You can use the Sitecore Identity (SI) server to sign in standard Sitecore Client users from ASP.NET Membership (Sitecore Core or Security databases), and also users from external providers.

Sitecore Identity Server is based on IdentityServer4.

On-Premise/Azure WebApps

Option 1. Sitecore XP 10 and later (Recommended, Automated)
  1. Identify the \sitecore\Sitecore.Framework.Plugin.Administration\Sitecore.SupportPackage.key file in your Identity Server.
  2. Specify the password that you want to use for collecting the instance information and save the file. We recommend that you use a complex password with lower case and upper-case letters, numbers, and other symbols.
    Note 1: The password is encrypted as soon as you log in to collect the basic information for the first time.
    Note 2: If you do not log in within 30 minutes, the non-encrypted password expires.
  3. Open the following URL: {Identity Server host}/sitecore/supportpackage
  4. Enter your password into the login form.

Option 2. Earlier Sitecore versions (Manual)

Create a ZIP package that contains your entire Sitecore Identity Server instance.


Option 1 (Recommended, Automated)
  1. Create a text file called Sitecore.SupportPackage.key in any folder.
  2. Specify the password that you want to use for collecting the instance information and save the file. We recommend that you use complex passwords with lower case and upper-case letters, numbers, and other symbols.
    Note 1: the password is encrypted as soon as you log in to collect the basic information for the first time.
    Note 2: if you do not log in within 30 minutes the non-encrypted password expires.
  3. Copy the created Sitecore.SupportPackage.key file to the Identity Server container using PowerShell.
    For Example: docker cp "{path to local Sitecore.SupportPackage.key}" {IS name or ID}: C:\Identity\sitecore\Sitecore.Framework.Plugin.Administration.  See this article for details.
  4. Open the following URL: {Identity Server host}/sitecore/supportpackage.
  5. Enter your password in the login form.
Option 2 (Manual)
  1. Follow the steps listed in the On-Premise/Azure WebApps. Option 2 (Manual) section.
  2. In order to perform copy operation from a container to a host machine, refer to the How to copy files to/from container article.

Incorrect Password Submit Threshold

If an incorrect password is submitted more than 5 times after the instance has been started, the page is automatically blocked to prevent a possible brute-force attack.

In order to restore the page functionality, a new Sitecore.SupportPackage.key file has to be created and copied to the sitecore folder. After that, the Sitecore Identity Server instance must be restarted.


In Azure, the following tools can be used to read and modify files: