Converting an Existing Buyer Site to PunchOut

Are you considering converting an active non-punchout catalog to the punchout protocol? There are a few fine points to consider. The alternative is to leave all existing Four51 users untouched and to create entirely new Four51 users. A new Four51 punchout user would be created each time a user punches out to the site for the first time. A short suffix would be appended to their name. This way, a unique username is created in the event the user already exists in Four51.

For example, if a punchout user passes in "" as their email address, a new user would be created on Four51 with a username of "". These new users would inherit permissions and assignments from the Punchout Template User. This makes the go-live process easier, but users would lose their order and variant history as well as their existing assignments, since they would be technically new users on Four51.

Variable Specs and Punchouts: Lastly, inventory and kits are not supported in punchout due to the punchout workflow.