Find the appropriate templates in the list below and download the zip file containing the spreadsheet templates. Note that templates may be updated from time to time so make sure you have the most recent version.
The spreadsheets are in the attached zip file under Reference Material below. The zip file was last updated in December 2021. Complete the spreadsheets and then submit a case to request your data upload.
Upload Templates
- Address - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Addresses and assign the Addresses to a Company, Group, or User.
- Approval Rules - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Approval Rules.
- Assign Open Network Catalogs to Buyers - Allows the ability to assign/unassign open network catalogs at the top level or directly under a category.
- Assign Coupon - Allows the ability to assign Coupons to a User, Group, Product, or Category.
- Associate Order Field Option - Allows the ability to associate Order Field Options to a Company, Group, or user.
- Associate Price - Allows the ability to assign/unassign price schedules at a product or variant level to a Company, Group, or User.
- Associate User Field - Allows the ability to assign/unassign User Fields to a Company, Group, or User.
- Category - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Categories and assign the Categories to a Company, Group, or User.
- Cost Center - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Cost Centers and assign the Cost Centers to a Company, Group, User.
- Coupon - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Coupons.
- Gift Card - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Gift Cards.
- Group - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Groups.
- Images - Allows the ability to upload Large/Small Product Images, Variant Images, and Category Images.
- Inventory Notifications - Allows the ability to assign/unassign Inventory Notification Users.
- Order Field Options - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Order Field Options under a Selection Order Field.
- Pricing* - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Price Schedules under a Product and assign the Price Schedules to a Company, Group, or User.
- Product* - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Products and assign the Products to Categories, Companies, Groups, Users. Also includes: Set inventory, Mpower Project Folder, one Price Schedule, and Enable Auto Forward.
- Product-Category - Allows the ability to assign/unassign Products to Categories.
- Product Group - Allows the ability to insert Product Groups.
- Product To Product Group Assignments - Allows the ability to assign Products to Product Groups.
- Product Supplier - Allows the ability to assign/unassign Products to Suppliers and set the Supplier Cost.
- Product Variant* - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete standard Variants and assign the Variants to a Company, Group, or User.
- Shipments - Allows the ability to create Shipments against line items to close out orders. NOTE: Emails will not be sent to the user when these Shipments are created.
- Spec - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete all three types of Variable Specs: Text, Selection, and File.
- Spec Option - Allows the ability to create Spec Options under Selection Specs.
- Spending Account - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Spending Accounts.
- Static Specs* - Allows the ability to create both Text and File Static Specs.
- User - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete Users and assign the Users to Addresses, Cost Centers, Categories, Groups, Order Fields, and User Fields.
- User Field - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete User Fields.
- User Field Option - Allows the ability to insert/delete User Field Options under a Selection type User Field.
- User Field Value - Allows the ability to set/update the value of a User Field to Users.
- VBOSS (Variants Based On Selection Specs) - Allows the ability to insert/update/delete VBOSS variants under a Static Product.
To control the upload process, use a "do-it-yourself" Four51 option called the Batch Upload Service. This allows you to upload data from your Four51 administration interface at any time using a standard set of templates. This can be a more economical option depending on the number of uploads you do, and it allows you to control the process yourself. There is no need to submit a case and wait for Four51 to complete the upload. Contact your account representative or submit a case to learn more.