Working with 3rd Party Development Companies

Working with 3rd Party Development Companies

Four51 is a modern, open platform, and integrates easily with other modern systems using protocols like XML and cXML. Common integrations include CRM, accounting, ERP, Procurement and warehouse management.

Four51 maintains comprehensive documentation to assist 3rd-parties in developing integrated solutions. The documentation alone has been sufficient in hundreds of successful integration projects, but we recognize that additional assistance may be needed from time to time. In addition to delivering all relevant documentation in a timely manner at no cost, Four51 technicians will participate in up to 2 hours of discussions with the 3rd-party development staff. These calls are typically devoted to an orientation of the documentation and setting expectations for project timeframes.

If Four51 personnel are required to assist beyond the complimentary 2-hour introductory discussion, their time will be billed hourly and charged to Four51's customer.


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Labels: development, custom code, integration, suppliers