Token | HTML Tag | Multiple instances allowed? | Meaning |
[[MainNav]] | <div id="MainNav"> | No | Renders the main navigational links. (Appear as tabs along the top by default. HTML structure described in DefaultStyles.css.) |
[[SubNav]] | <div id="SubNav"> | No | Renders the sub-navigational links within a main nav section. (Appears in left side bar by default. HTML structure described in DefaultStlyes.css.) |
[[BreadcrumbNav]] | <div> | No | Not currently implemented. |
[[MainContent]] | <div> | No | The page-specific main work area rendered by the Four51 application. |
[[PageTitle]] | N/A (text only) | Yes | Text of page title. (Recommended in <title> section inside <head>, as well as somewhere in the <body>.) |
[[Logo]] | <img> | Yes | Renders your company's logo image. |
[[HelpLink]] | <a> | Yes | Text link to app help contents. |
[[LogOffLink]] | <a> | Yes | Text link to app logoff. |
Reference Material:
Suggested style reference guide
Related Articles: None
Labels: Themes, Admin