Custom Messages

Custom Messages

To create a custom message, first navigate to the buyer company of your choice.  If you are using an OrderCloud 2.0 site, to access the Custom Messages page, click on the OrderCloud 2.0 button in the left navigation pane.  Proceed to click the edit button to the left of the application url.  Click on the Custom Messages tab, this will be the second from the right and you should see a screen like this: 

For a OrderCloud 1.0 Site, navigate to the buyer company’s properties page.  Locate the header “Site Customization” on the left navigation bar and click the “Custom Messages” link.  Upon following the link, navigate to the “Custom Messages” link and you will be brought to a screen like this:

User-added image

You can create a new custom message by filling in the name field and populating the body field with your message. Note the tool bar above the body field which allows you to format text within you message. You can also click the “Source” button in the upper left corner of the tool bar to view and change the HTML code that produces the formatting. Once you have completed your custom message, click the "Save" button.

You may also edit existing custom messages by choosing them from the dropdown located at the top of the screen.

You can apply custom messages to a site by clicking the link located in the left navigation bar called “Assign Custom Messages.” Once you have clicked this link you will see this page:
User-added image

From this screen you will see a dropdown list to the right of every page that can accommodate a custom message. You may assign a single custom message to each page or create a special custom message for each page. Click the "Save" button once you have completed any assignments.


NOTE: Keep in mind that you are not required to add a custom message to any page.This is an optional Four51 feature.

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Labels: Custom Messages, Custom Message, File Override