User Web Service
This article contains information for completing User Web Services. Use the Four51 Admin Web Service Implementation Guide in Reference Material below to complete your web service integration.
AssignAddress - Allows the ability to assign a user to an address based on the user interop id and address interop id. An address can be assigned to a user as a shipping and/or billing address. (one per call)
AssignCostCenter - Allows the ability to assign a user to a cost center based on the user interop id and cost center interop id. (one per call)
AssignToGroup - Allows the ability to assign a user to a group based on the user interop id and group interop id (one per call). This does not take Buyer interop ID as a parameter, so all User and Group interop IDs need to be unique throughout the entire seller site.
RemoveFromGroup – Removes the association between the specified user and group.
Delete - Allows the ability to delete a user based on the user interop id. (multiple per call)
GenerateMissingInteropIDs – Allows the ability to have Four51 generate the interop id for all users that do not have an interop id set on a per buyer company basis.
ListByCompany – Allows the ability to retrieve user property data on a per buyer company basis.
Save - Allows the ability to save and update a user based on the user interop id. If the user interop id exists, then the user will be updated. This applies to user properties only. (multiple per call)
SyncAssociations - Allows the ability to sync associations between a user and addresses, cost centers, groups, and order fields and order field options based on the interop ids. This will sync all associations, so if only a group interop id is passed along with the user interop id, then all associations will be removed for addresses, cost centers, groups, order fields, and the group association will be inserted. (multiple per call)
Reference Material:
Four51 Admin Web Service Implementation Guide
Related Articles:
Four51 Admin Web Services
Labels: integration, web services, web services, user, users