This article contains information for completing Product Web Services. Use the Four51 Admin Web Service Implementation Guide in Reference Material below to complete your web service integration.
- DeleteCategoryAssignments allows the ability to delete product to category assignments. (multiple per call)
- DeletePriceSchedule allows the ability to delete a price schedule based on the price schedule name and product interop id. (multiple per call)
- DeleteProduct allows the ability to delete a product based on the product interop id. (multiple per call)
- DeleteVariants allows the ability to delete variants of a product by sending the product interop id and the variant interop id. (multiple per call)
- GenerateMissingInteropIDs allows the ability to have Four51 generate the interop id for products that do not have an interop id set. This is at a seller level, so it would look at all products under a seller account.
- GenerateMissingVariantInteropIDs allows the ability to have Four51 generate the interop id for variants that do not have an interop id set on a per product basis. (multiple products per call)
- ListProducts WARNING: This method is not available for use.
- SaveCategoryAssignments allows the ability to assign a product to a category. (multiple per call)
- SavePriceScheduleAssignments allows the ability to save a price schedule of a product to a party (company, group, or user). An assignment can be made to a product or variant and supports all order types for price schedules. (multiple per call)
- SavePriceSchedules allows the ability to save price schedules and the price break(s) for that price schedule based on the product interop id and price schedule name. If the price schedule name already exists, then the price schedule will be updated. This method would be used to update pricing. (multiple per call)
- SaveProducts allows the ability to create and update products based on the product interop id. This only includes the product properties. (multiple per call)
- SaveVariants allows the ability to create and update variants of a product based on the product interop id and variant interop id. This only includes the variant properties. (multiple per call)
- SearchVariantsByProduct allows the ability to retrieve variant property data on a per product basis. (multiple products per call)
- UpdateProductInventory allows the ability to update the available inventory value for a product that already has inventory enabled and configured. Supports the product and variant level inventory. (multiple per call)
Reference Material: Four51 Admin Web Service Implementation Guide
Related Articles: Four51 Admin Web Services
Labels: integration, web services, web services, product, products