Actual Rates Shippers are any shippers that have the "Use third party rates" selected as the rate type. Four51 supports the following shippers as Actual Rates Shippers:
Third party rates are calculated using "ship to" and "ship from" addresses, as well as the product's weight. If all products in a cart are tied to a single supplier, then the "ship from" address is that supplier's address. If there are multiple suppliers, then the seller's address is used as the "ship from" address. If there are no suppliers assigned to the product, then the seller's address is used as the "ship from" address.
The total weight of products on the order must be greater than zero and less than 150 pounds and both addresses must be valid United States addresses for the service to return values. In addition, if the Ship to Multiple Address feature is used, third party rates will not be returned.
There is one configuration setting that spans all Actual Rate Shippers:
- Percent Change: Use percent change to increase or decrease the automatic rates. Enter a negative percentage to lower the rates or a positive percentage to raise them.
If you want to get discount rates using a specific UPS or FedEx account, then you can enter the account credentials on the Shipper Edit page. If the Actual Rate fields are not populated, then list rates will be returned. NOTE: Make sure to test the discount rates before going live by either assigning the Ship Method/Shipper to a specific user on production or using the Four51 Test environment. With most accounts, the discounts only apply to certain shipper types (Ex: FedEx Express). So, there will likely be some types using the list rates and others that have the specific account discounts. A UPS or FedEx developer account is required, so here are the specific instructions to obtain the account.
If you are using your own UPS access keys on Storefront to get discounted UPS rates, you will need to follow these instructions to get a new UPS Account/App setup to work with the new UPS integration on Storefront by June 2, 2024. You will need to have a UPS account that has an App with the Rating and Authorization (OAuth) products.
- If you only have a UPS Profile (login username/password), then you will need to create a UPS account under Login with your username/password and create the account.
- When you have a UPS account, then you will need to navigate to the site and create an App under My Apps.
- Configure your App to have the Rating and Authorization ( OAuth) products.
- Click on your app to see the Client ID, Client Secret and Billing Account Number.
- Create a new shipper as an Actual Rate Shipper of type "UPSRest" on Storefront:
(Storfront Field = UPS App Field)
Actual Rates User ID = Client ID from App
Actual Rates Password = Client Secret from App
Actual Rates Account Number = Billing Account Number from App
Actual Rates Meter Number = Leave blank
- Go to the following page and sign up for an account:
- Set up a new FedEx account or add your existing FedEx account to this developer account.
- When you have your access key, you will be able to begin testing on Four51.
- Create a new shipper on Four51 or update an existing one:
(Four51 Field = FedEx Field)
Actual Rates User ID = Fedex Web Service User Key/ID
Actual Rates Password = Fedex Web Service Password
Actual Rates Account Number = Fedex Account Number
Actual Rates Meter Number = Fedex Meter Number
- Third party rates do not work with the System Auto-Selects Cheapest Shipping Method option.
- If there are no Actual Rate Shippers based on the "ship to", "ship from" and product weight on the Buyer interface, then there will be no options in the shipper drop-down for the buyer user to choose. The user will be able to continue with the check-out process without choosing a shipper. For this reason, Four51 recommends including a shipper that is not using the third party service in every ship method that you create. If you include only actual rate shippers it is possible that your user will not have a shipper to select if there is any missing information.
- More than one Actual Rate Shipper can be assigned to a ship method.
- One Actual Rates Shipper (UPS) and one Manual Rates Shipper (US Mail Ground) are assigned to a ship method.
- The ship method is assigned at the company level, so all users from that buyer company have access to the Actual Rate Shipper and the Manual Rate Shipper.
- The buyer user adds one product to his shopping cart:
- The product has a weight of 1.12 lbs.
- The price schedule of the product is set to apply shipping.
- The product is assigned to one supplier, so the supplier's address on Four51 is used as the "ship from."
- The buyer user clicks "Continue" on the Shipping page of the Buyer interface and the shipping address they choose is the "ship to" address.
- Four51 sends to Aivea the "ship to", ship from" and the weight and receives back a list of available UPS shippers.
- The available UPS shippers and their shipping amounts are displayed in the shipper drop-down on the checkout page.