Product Suppliers
Product SuppliersAs a tool for order processing automation, suppliers can be assigned to products so that a seller can use the Four51 network to forward orders on to their suppliers for specific products.
A seller must be connected to any supplier with which they work. If you do not see a supplier in your list, contact Four51 Support.
On the Suppliers page of product setup you will see a list of suppliers that are associated with your selling company. To assign a supplier, check the box to the left of the supplier name and click the "Save" button. After checking the "Assigned" box, you will have the option to set some additional information.
The Part ID and Cost Schedule settings are not required. Part ID is the specific ID for the supplier. To edit the cost schedule (please note that this is different than the price schedule that the buyer user sees), click on the "Edit" link. Finally, you may use auto-forwarding of line items with this product by checking the box next to "Enable Auto-Forwarding." When this is activated the application will automatically create POs to the respective suppliers when the corresponding items are ordered. NOTE: Auto-forwarding does not occur if the buyer user enters comments during the check-out process.
Once you have completed your updates, click the "Save" button.
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Labels: Supplier, autoforward, auto-forward, auto forward