Checkout Behavior - Allow Saved Credit Card Information

Checkout Behavior - Allow Saved Credit Card Information

Saved credit cards are only supported for Paypal Payflow Pro accounts.  This permission is only valid for buyer users who have been assigned at least one credit card payment method.  Also, buyer users must be assigned the Allow Save Credit Card Information permission in order to use this functionality.

Buyer users who have been assigned the necessary permission will see an additional check box on the Billing page of the check-out process.  If the "Save my credit card information" box is checked after entering the required credit card information and the order is successfully submitted, the card will be available as a payment method during future purchases.  This saved credit card will only be available to the user who placed the order.  The user will also be provided with an option to delete the saved credit card. 

Save credit card checkbox

To comply with PCI regulations, the data saved does not contain any sensitive information such as the credit card number or the CVN number. 

Buyer users may be able to utilize both admin-created and buyer-created credit cards to pay for orders.  Admin-created saved credit cards allow the user to pay for his order with a credit card payment method without entering a credit card number.  Buyer-created saved credit cards allow the user to enter their credit card information once and save it for future orders. 

Note: If there are admin-created saved credit cards, they will appear in the Pay by Saved Card drop-down list along with the buyer-created saved credit cards.  The Delete link and Select a Billing Address link will not appear if an admin-created saved credit card is selected because those must be managed on the Admin interface.

Reference Material: none

Related Articles: 
Credit Card Tab Overview
Create an Admin Saved Credit Card

Labels: credit card information, permissions, checkout, save a credit card, save credit card info