Create New Group

Create New Group

Note: You must have at least one company created in order to create a group.

To create a new group follow these steps:
      1.   Log onto your administrative interface.
      2.   Click the "Buyers" top navigation tab.
      3.   Select a buyer company from the list.
      4.   Click on the "Groups" tab.

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         5.   Click the “New Group…” link
         6.   Complete the group fields:
                  a.   Group Name: This is what will appear in the grid on the Admin interface. A name is required.
                  b.   Group Description: This only appears when you click to edit a group name.
                  c.   Interop ID:This is a unique number that can be used to communicate with another system outside of Four51 such as a billing system.
         7.   Click the “Save” button.

User-added image


Reference Material: None

Related Articles:
User Groups Overview

Labels: Create a Group, New Group, User Group, Manage Group, Buyer Group