4. Enter the appropriate company information:
a. Company Name: The name that is displayed on the Admin interface.
b. Interop ID: This number is used for web services.In order to use web services functionality, this number must be unique across your distributor.
c. DUNS Number: A unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of businesses.
d. State of Incorporation: This field is informational only. It is not used within the application.
e. Time zone: Select the time zone in which the buyer company is located. The times will be adjusted accordingly for each time zone.
f. Merchant Account: Select from the list of available accounts if this buyer company will use credit card processing.
g. Expire Un-submitted Orders After: By default, the value is 90 days. You can choose to set the carts to expire prior to the 90 day default but cannot set the expiration to happen after 90 days un-submitted. Expiring un-submitted carts returns reserved inventory to available inventory.
h. Product Detail Template: Defaults to Default but you may use the drop-down to select another template if applicable.
i. Password Security: Select the level of security for you buyer users' passwords.You may also select to have users choose a new password every 90 days.
j. Enforce Unique PO IDs: Does not allow users to enter duplicate PO IDs.
k. Auto-generated ID prefix: Text to appear before the PO ID.
l. Autogenerated PO ID suffix: Text to appear after the PO ID.
m. Next Auto-generated PO ID: If you would like the number to change, check the “Check to set next Auto PO ID” box and enter the number with which you would like to start.
n. PO ID Masked Input: Forces the user to input a value in a specific format
o. Google Analytics Key: Enter in the company’s Google Analytics Key if applicable.
q. Enforce Unique Address Names: Does not allow duplicate names for addresses.
r. Bill for Zero-Price Orders: Send the order information even if the order total is $0.00.
s. Active: Make this company active.
t. Default 2.0 Site: Will show the default URL for the 2.0 site if the site is using 2.0.
u. Company Notes: This is not displayed anywhere except the Edit Company Information page.
v. Logo Image: Upload, Update, or Delete the company’s logo.
Reference Material: None
Related Articles: None
Labels: Admin, Buyer Company, Company, New Company, New Site, New Buyer Site, New Buyer