Customization for Inventory Less Than Zero


For buyer sites that allow an order to exceed available inventory and display inventory to the Buyer User there are options to bring attention to the fact that no inventory is currently available by changing the text that is displayed.  
NOTE: This feature is only supported on OrderCloud 1.0. 

There are three places that Inventory is displayed on the Buyer Interface:

  1. Product Search Results/Product List Page
  2. Product Details Page
  3. Quick Order Entry Form

Product Search Results/Product List Page
The text that appears for inventory on the product search results and product list pages is simply a "0".  

User-added image

With the following result:
User-added image

To change the display, navigate to the Site Customization page and locate the appropriate row.  The "0" may be replaced with any text.  In this example, we have decided to display "ON BACKORDER":
User-added image

With the following result:
User-added image

Product Details Page
The Product Details Page displays a string of text identifying the available quantity by default.  In order to display a different string of text if Inventory is equal to or less than zero a conditional CSS class must be added to the Product Detail Page customization.  The CSS class is "ShowWithInventoryLessThanZero."
Without the "ShowWithInventoryLessThanZero" class:
User-added image

With the following code added on the Customize Product Details Page (minus the '):
'<div class="ShowWithInventoryLessThanZero" style="background-color:#e9e9e9">
'<font color="red"><strong>This item is on backorder</strong></font>

User-added image

Quick Order Entry Form
The Product Details Page displays a string of text identifying the available quantity by default. 

User-added image

With the following result:
User-added image
To change the display, navigate to the Site Customization page and locate the appropriate row.  The "0" may be replaced with any text.  In this example, we have decided to display "This item is on backorder.":
User-added image

With the following result:
User-added image